41st International Conference of the Polish Phycological Society

Over 80 scientists from 11 countries took part in the 41st International Conference of the Polish Phycological Society, 3-7 June, in Będlewo near Poznań. A broad range of cutting- edge research were presented, in the fields of the climate change impacts, taxonomy, diversity and ecology of algae and cyanobacteria, cyanobacterial metabolites and applied algology. One of the oral presentation sessions, “timeless potential of algae research” was dedicated to Professor Lubomira Burchardt and her contribution to the development of phycological research. Microscopy workshop facilitated by experts in the taxonomy and ecology of diatoms, euglenids and cryptophytes was of great interest to the participants! The conference was organized by employees of the Department of Hydrobiology and the Department of Water Protection, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science – Excellent Science II, and of the Excellence Initiative – Research University program of Adam Mickiewicz University.
Thank you all for exciting scientific experience!

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